1. Bart von Prufenpuden
  2. 03/19/2021
  3. 80.0
  4. $74,500.00
  5. Beautiful, Big Framed, Big Heart Bart
  6. A Bundle Of Fun!

    There are not enough words to fill you in on all the cool stuff about Bart, so make sure you watch his extensive video playlist to SEE, not just HEAR about this amazing young German Shepherd.  Hundreds of hours of love, dedication to craft and skill have been pour into his development and it shows.  The Proof really is in the Pudding is good.  He is a happy, fun, cool, easy going, trick super star that is a blast to live with.  He has the life experience and training to bring value to just about any home he enters and do not doubt this boys resolve to protection.  He has the heart of a LION beating under that cool exterior. 

It all starts with great genetics and Bart has some of the best there is. Genetics Matter.  

We have a great selection of amazing dogs and we'd really love to talk to you about you situation and see if we can make a magic connection.  Our matching skills are unparalleled in the industry.  Give us a try.

Contact Senior Master Trainer David Harris and do it quick if you are looking for the perfect dog for you and your family.  David can help you figure out if Bart is that dog or not.  Do not delay.  He will sell quick!  +1.502.542.9747 or dogmailcsu@aol.com  Text for fastest response time. 


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Bart von Prufenpuden Video Archive

Will My Protection Dog Do It's Job? 2y5m "Bart" Has Your Answer

Powerful Handsome And Strong "Bart" 2y3m In Protection

Beautiful Day and Handsome Boy "Bart" 2y Showing Off His Obedience

"Bart" 1y7m Agility Course With Focus And Confidence

"Bart" 18m Learns To Navigate Commands From The Saddle

Big Framed "Bart" 16m Boat Ride Adaptable & Able To Fit Into Your Life

Bold Enough To Battle With The Bad Guy "Bart" 13m

Additional Life Prufen Skills - Bike Agility With "Bart" 10m

Sparing Session 6m Old "Bart" Highly Driven & Ready For More

"Bart" 17w Advancing Obedience Flourishing In Tricks & Agility

"Bart" 12w Early Training & Character Building

Bart von Prufenpuden Video Playlist

Click HERE to View Over 20 Video of Bart's Development.

Bart von Prufenpuden Photo Gallery

Click HERE For More Handsome Pictures Of Bart